Chapter 12 - Eclipse Atop the Hill
'Gah, what is she doing...?' echoed Edwin in the haze of his semi-conscious mind.
Agnès was crying. Sobbing, even. She looked like she was hitting something, but she lost the advantage and was sent flying backwards. Calling it a fight would hardly be fair; Agnès didn't stand a chance.
'She should be stronger than I am,' Edwin mused.
Agnès' visage glowed and shone a brilliant white light, but for whatever reason, Edwin thought this looked very natural on her. His vision faded. Within his mind, the girl with the ribbon materialized before him.
'There you are, mister! Quickly, this way! Let's go help Papa together!' She wrapped her arms tightly around him. They were thin, cold, and strong--like a vise. Edwin let out an involuntary grunt as she squeezed him.'Urgh... Hey, you!'
'Papa wants to get some new powers soon. I wanna help grant his wish, like a good little girl! Come on, let's hurry!
Edwin stared at Tizze. The longer he looked, the less he could accept the truth that she was an evil spirit trapped inside a human shell.
'Mr. Montaigne isn't your real father, right?' Edwin said in a strained voice. He did his best to give her a shaky thumbs-up. 'If you want to meet your real father, I'll help you find him. After all, I am a righteous reporter!'
'...Ed! EDDDD!!!''If I begin treating him immediately, he might stand a chance,' Agnès thought amidst her jumbled thoughts. 'If I could only just get to him...!'
However, Montaigne was not about to allow her the chance. Agnès' body was abruptly thrown into the air by some invisible force, tumbling helplessly into the ground a distance away.
'I'll...never...make it. I...can't even...stand...' Agnès gasped.Tears fell from her eyes as she collapsed against the dirt. Kagemaru ran to her and motioned for her to run, but she was no longer able to detect his presence.
'Why, Ed?! He's always been there for me. My whole life, I've kept my distance from everyone else, but he was the lone exception. My most cherished memories are the ones I spent with him. I've tried so hard to hide that, but... Aaah! Ed! My one and only friend!'
'HAHAHA. Absolutely magnificent!' Montaigne stood at the crest of the hill with the moon at his back. 'You, young lady, shall be my second. Magicians truly are of immeasurable value, aren't they? I may have gained this power by chance, but now, simply by killing one magician after another, I can become omnipotent! And best of all, there are so many lives to reap for sport!'Montaigne roared with laughter.
'What curious creatures magicians are. Their powers are both an infinite source of desires, and a boundless granter of them!'
The body known as Tizze stopped moving. Her face contorted as the spirit within writhed violently beneath her skin. Finally, her flesh tore, and the spirit burst forth. The shadowy form of Montaigne's magic was unmistakable, even under the shade of night.
'So, the vessel has reached its limit, has it? No matter...' Montaigne whispered. The dark energy returned to him and coiled around his body. 'Inflicting pain with this power brings me such joy, but I planned to finish you with my own hands anyway. Now, to make bloody artwork of you! Try to enjoy yourself--I certainly will!'
'Murderer!' Agnès screamed, having lost all inhibitions.
The man, clad in coils of shadow, grew intoxicated by the power enveloping him, bursting into laughter at the accusation.
'I'm not doing this of my own will! It's this power! YOUR power! You blasted magicians are to blame!' thundered Hux.
Before Agnès' eyes, the pitch-black darkness rose over the hills and blocked out the moon before surging forth.Agnès' mind stirred. 'Montaigne's right. My power, the magician's power, is a curse. Misfortune befalls anybody who gets too close to us. That's why the true nature of this power must never be revealed, no matter the cost.'
'I'm sorry, Ed,' Agnès thought. 'You always wanted to be a righteous reporter, and yet, I...'
Agnès solemnly closed her eyes.
第12回 丘の上の蝕
『……お兄さん、みっけ!ねえ、はやくこっちへ来て!』エドウィンの意識の中にリボンをつけた女の子が現れた。ねえ、こっちへ来て! いっしょにパパの役に立とうよ! その子の腕は細くて冷たくて、まるで万力みたいな力だ。掴まれたエドウィンは思わず「ぐげっ」と変な声を上げた。『…………ちょっ……おい、君……!』
『……モンテニューさんは、本当のパパじゃないだろ?』ぎこちなくVサインを作ってみせながら、エドウィンはそんな事を言った。本当のパパに会いたいなら、俺が調べてやるぜ? なんてったって俺は、正義の記者だからなぁ……
「――エドッ! エドーーッ……!!」すぐに手当てをすれば息を吹き返すかもしれない。アニエスはとっさにそう思った。いますぐにエドの元に行ければ!! ……けれどモンテニューの強大な力はそれを許さなかった。目に見えない丸太みたいな何かを横殴りに受けて、ついにアニエスの体は遠く吹き飛ばされ、力なくころころと転がった。
……もうだめだ、間に合わない…… もう立つ気力もなかった。そしてそう思った途端に涙が止まらなくなった。カゲマルが駆けてきて逃げようと言ったけれど、アニエスはカゲマルがいることすら気づかなかった。──エド、どうして!! 一緒にいてくれた、たった一人の人間だった。誰とも一定の距離を置いてきた自分だったけど、エドだけは違った。エドといる時だけは心の底から楽しかった。それを必死に隠さなくちゃいけないくらいに。
「ハハハハ、素晴らしい!」モンテニューが満月を背負って丘をやってくる。「君で2人目……魔法使いとはまったく計り知れない『価値』だよ。初めは偶然得た力だが、こうして1人1人釣り上げていくだけで無限の力が手に入る……」そして暇つぶしに刈りとる命はいくらでもある! モンテニューは高らかに笑った。『魔法使い』とはよく言ったものだよ。無限の欲望を生み、またそれを無限に満たし続ける。これはまさに魔性の力に違いない!
く染 みる、モンテニューの魔力の本体だ。おや、皮が限界だったか。まあいい……体にまとわりついてきた闇を掬ってモンテニューは言った。この力のせいで人を苦しめるのが楽しくて仕方なくてね。最後はこの手でと思っていたのだよ。
魔法使い の所業だよ!」
アニエスの前から満月が掻き消えた。丘の上から真っ黒な闇が湧き上がって押し寄せてきたのだ。……そう、彼の言うとおりだ。『魔法使い』の力は呪いだ、関わった人を必ず不幸にする。だからたとえどんな形でも、正体を知られちゃいけない決まりなのだ。エド、ごめんね。正義の記者になるのが夢だったのにね…… アニエスは静かに眼を閉じた。
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