Chapter 3 - Golden Eyes
Edwin dashed into the street and toward the next block over. He was positive that he had really seen Agnès, as well as confident that he could catch up to her. Indeed, there she was in the crowd ahead. For a brief second, their eyes met, but a fleeing bystander bumped Edwin's shoulder, and when he looked back, she was gone.
'Wh-Why is she running from me?!' Edwin wondered.
Another explosion rang out as the overturned bus burst into flames once again. Edwin cursed as he ran to the door of the bus and took off his coat to smother the fire. As he attempted to wrench open the door, cries for help spilled out. The bus driver's limp hand dangled from the window.
'It doesn't matter if my draft ends up in the paper or not,' Edwin thought. 'Never underestimate a righteous reporter!'
'We're going shopping today, all right, Kagemaru?' After seeing Edwin off earlier that morning, Agnès was preparing to go out herself. The night before, she had remembered that her uncle's birthday was coming up.Agnès' uncle, who owned the cafe, would be turning 40 this year. Were it Edwin's birthday, she would sidestep the topic as 'too much of a hassle' (though she would still end up getting him something, the way she had last year, and the year before). However, she couldn't treat her uncle, to whom she owed so much, the same way.
Agnès set down her glass of water to scold Kagemaru, who was still asleep on the counter, for the umpteenth time.
'Are you even listening to me, lazybones?' she asked.
The black cat's only reply was a deep yawn that contorted its face into an ugly abstraction.
As her uncle carried beer bottles into the back, Agnès let him know that she was heading to her room on the the second floor.
'Maybe I should put on something more comfortable.'
She was in and out of her room in a flash, returning down the hall wearing a light tank top. Midstride, she grabbed her favorite knit cap from its peg on the wall and put it on as she hummed her way down the stairs.
Kagemaru stared at her blankly.
'What? No one saw me, so what's the big deal?' She shrugged at the fussy feline and opened the door. 'Let's get going, Kagemaru!'
With a graceful leap, the black cat landed atop her knit cap, sending her cream-colored curls flying. 'Ugh. I can't believe you!' she thought. The most inconvenient aspect of Agnès' waist-long hair was how much it bounced. She attempted to smooth her locks down here and there, but they simply couldn't be tamed.
Ten years ago, Agnès' mother disappeared. Her father was good to her, so she continued living with him until she turned 15. However, her father couldn't give up on finding his wife, so he entrusted Agnès to his brother and left in search of his beloved.In time, Agnès came to understand their feelings, to the point where it made her ache. Her mother surely loved her father just as much as he did her.
'What to do, what to do...?' Agnès sighed. Multiple stalls lined the harborside market. She'd come in search of a gift, but hadn't considered what she was actually going to buy.
'I should've just asked Uncle earli--'
Her aside was interrupted by an orbal bus hurtling past.
The large bus had drifted out of its lane, hit the median, and launched into a truck going the opposite direction. Its shining green chassis glared in the sunlight. The tires had begun to fly, twisting in odd directions.'The driver must already be dead,' thought Agnès as she watched the bus soar in the air. Her mind was in turmoil, yet at the same time, she had never been more calm. Once the bus hit the ground, they would all die. From the man in the front row to the pregnant woman by the window...
'Kagemaru.'Answering the call, the black cat opened his golden eyes. Agnès did the same. Amidst the screams of people running for their lives were four golden eyes gazing at a scene that had yet to unfold.
第3回 金の瞳
今日は動きやすい服がいいな。部屋のドアを開けて入り、またすぐに出てくる。アニエスはもう軽いタンクトップに着替えていた。廊下に掛けてあるお気に入りのニット帽を被って、ハミング交じりに階段を下りてくる。……と、カゲマルがこっちをじっと見ていた。誰も見てないし、いいでしょ別に。アニエスはそう肩をすくめて歩き出した。「行くよ、カゲマル!」 黒猫はひらりとジャンプして、ニット帽の上に着地した。その拍子に、またクリーム色の髪があちこち撥ねだす。もう、あんたって子は……!
「はぁ、どうしよっかな……」港沿いの市場に来れば出店もたくさんある。そう思って来たけれど、何を買うかまでは考えていなかった。叔父さんに探りを入れておけばよかったかもしれないな…… アニエスはそんな事を思っていたのだった。導力バスの巨体が飛んでくるまでは。
「──カゲマル」 言葉に応え、カゲマルがその金色の目を開いた。アニエスも目を見開いた。人々が悲鳴をあげ、我先にと逃げ出す中、4つの金の瞳がただその先の世界を見詰めていた。
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⇐ Chapter 2: The Eaton News Agency | Chapter 4: Cry for Justice ⇒ |