Chapter 4 - Cry for Justice
Edwin rescued one passenger after another. The corner market had devolved into panic in the wake of the crash. Worse still, the truck the bus had collided with had been carrying flammable materials. Edwin coughed violently as hot, thick smoke filled the air around him, searing his skin.
'I can't give up,' Edwin thought. 'There are still people left inside who need me!'
'Help me...'
'Grab my hand! It's narrow, but I can get you out! Everything's going to be all right!'
'I can't... I'm pregnant...'
'Wh-What?!' Edwin shouted without thinking. He tried to get a hold of himself, but his thoughts were spiraling. He was only 19. This was way out of his depth!
Mind racing, he frantically tried to calm the woman, telling her to wait while he stood and surveyed the area.
Several cars that had been caught up in the crash lay motionless in the street. Brandon and the news staff had followed Edwin outside to assist the rescued passengers. Sirens wailed faintly in the distance. The cavalry was on its way at last.
'Ed! You gotta get down from there!' yelled Brandon. 'That truck is loaded with gunpowder! It could blow at any second!'
'Like hell I will!'
Edwin suddenly became enraged. 'Why did this accident happen? Why are there so few people helping?!' he yelled to himself. 'And why did Agnès run from me...?' Edwin had a feeling that she fled out of shock after spotting him. He knew better than to be upset, though. It was only natural that someone would run if a huge orbal bus came hurtling toward them. The thought, however, did little to calm his rage. 'Why did you run away, Agnès?!'
'You idiot. Who said anything about running?'
Cold water suddenly engulfed Edwin's body. Bewildered, he turned around, only to then meet Agnès' beautiful blue eyes. She stood there, panting with a bucket in hand. Edwin could only assume it had belonged to a fishmonger, seeing as he now reeked of fish.
'Nice work, kid! Leave the rest to us!'
'Everyone, this way. Hurry!'
A brigade of bucket-armed fishermen and fishmongers appeared behind Agnès. Together, they doused fires left and right in quick succession.
'Oh, of course. We're next to the harbor,' thought Edwin.
Agnès' hair swayed to-and-fro as she bounded around, barking out orders. 'You! Get over there! You! Go fetch a hatchet!'
'This girl is something else,' Ed whispered.
'Ed! Get out of my way. That woman's pregnant, right?'
The girl climbed over the frame of the bus. Taking the woman by the hand, Agnès gently coaxed her to freedom.
She then turned to Edwin. '...You know this would have been way easier if you hadn't come, right?'
'Huh?! What'd you have to say that for?' Edwin shouted.
The girl with the cream-blonde hair cracked a relieved smile. 'Don't worry about it. You really are dense, you know that, Ed?'
After sunset, the clattering of a cocktail shaker was the only noise disturbing the silence of the cafe. Agnès' uncle liked to serve the hard stuff in the store at night. The repetitive sound of the shaker was disrupted by the door flying open. Agnès didn't bother to look. She knew it was Ed.
'So, how did it go...?' she asked, still facing away from him.
'Everyone's in stable condition!' Edwin recited the facts he had learned from the police and hospital reports. There were only minor burns and injuries, excluding the bus driver, who died even before impact. Considering the circumstances, people were calling it a miracle. One aided by a speedy rescue, of course.
Edwin continued, 'And the cause of the accident was--'
'The driver died at the wheel, and the bus went out of control. Right?' interrupted Agnès.
'H-How did YOU know that?!'
She shrugged as she cranked up the orbal radio, which was tuned to a report on the accident. 'Say, Ed, maybe you aren't cut out to be a journalist after all. Personally, I think you'd be better off working as a full-time hero.'
'Hmph.' Edwin rubbed his hands and glared.
'Hey, toots--go get me a bourbon!'
'Quit trying to act tough, Ed. I know you don't drink. Here, let me get you an iced tea.'
As she prepared his drink, Agnès wondered what the bus driver's cause of death was. The host on the orbal radio was now covering a different traffic accident. 'Feels like there've been way more accidents than normal lately...' she mused to herself as she grabbed a new glass.
第4回 正義の叫び
「だめ……私赤ちゃんがいるの……」な、なんですとっ!? エドウィンは思わず素っ頓狂な声を上げた。専門外だろそんなの! 19の俺にどうしろって言うんだ!!
煌 かせたアニエスが、ポリバケツを持って軽く息を切らせている。……そしてきっと魚屋で借りてきたバケツに違いない。すごく生臭い。「坊主、よお頑張ったな。あとは任せとけい!」
「エド……! そこをどいて!」その人妊婦さんでしょ? 車体の上によじ登ってきて、アニエスは女性の手を握って勇気付けた。「……エドが来なかったらもっと簡単だったかもしれないのに」「なんだよそれ!?」エドウィンがそう叫ぶと、そのクリーム色の髪の娘はようやく何だか安堵したように微笑んだ。なんでもないわ。……エドって、ほんと鈍いわね。
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