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Chapter 7 - Edwin's Justice

Montaigne told his story: Long ago, in the time of the world's creation written of in the Testaments, mankind possessed the ability to use arts at will. Over the ages, this ability became lost to time. Nowadays, the only way to access arts is via the use of an orbment.

However, one clan inherited that lost power... They are known as 'magicians.' They exist in the present day, living normally among the rest of modern society.

'I know this is a lot to take in, so I can hardly blame you for being skeptical,' chuckled Hux. 'However, I suspect that there may be a magician in our very own city. Perhaps they are even closer to us than we realize. Now, with that in mind, reconsider the death of Mr. Hart's adopted son. If he truly was murdered by inexplicable means...perhaps it was the work of a magician.'

Afterward, Montaigne warned Edwin to keep the story to himself. 'Tell no one. Not even your family,' he said. 'Or next time, it'll be one of us turning up dead.'

Edwin was once a selfish and naive child. That is, until one day when he was 14 or 15 and saw a reporter's article exposing the evil deeds of some big-shot politician in a faraway land.

The legislator had used his position and the suffering of others to line his pockets with mira, but the expos㌔ destroyed his career. Afterwards, the reporter casually remarked that it was their job to reveal the inequities of the world and attempt to right its wrongs.

Since that day, Edwin's sense of justice centered on uncovering everyday hypocrisies and shining a light on the vague and obscure.

'Magicians...?' pondered Edwin. 'If people like that really are hiding out there, I'll just have to expose them myself!'

The newsroom was as busy as ever. Ed in particular was engrossed in his work as of late. He had even stopped going to the cafe and asking Agnès to check his drafts. 'What the heck is he up to?' she wondered.

'Ed? Are you there?' Agnès called out in a relative whisper.

'Y-Yeah. What're you doing here?'

As soon as he saw her, Edwin scrambled to put away the manuscript he had been working on at his desk. Agnès, who had managed to catch a brief look at his documents before he set them aside, thought they looked like the kind of materials he would gather before writing an article. There was an itemized breakdown of Mr. Hart's inheritance, notes from the press conference, a statement made by the estate manager, Mr. Montaigne, a brief story about a girl with a ribbon, and a revision request from Brandon to reformat the personal history of the board's chairman.

She also spotted two spelling mistakes on his working draft, but Edwin's distant attitude had miffed her, so she decided to keep them in her back pocket as ammo to tease him with the next time he came to the cafe.

'I was out making deliveries, so I brought you lunch. You haven't eaten yet, right?'

'Ah, good timing, Agnès. Thanks for saving me the trouble.'

Edwin snatched the wrapped sandwich from her hand and made an immediate beeline for the door, mumbling an excuse about chasing a story with his mouth half-full. Something about his clumsiness seemed different than usual, to the point where Agnès felt lightheaded as Ed vanished from sight like a fleeting mirage.

'Was it just me, or is something off about him?'

She glanced over to Brandon and Carly for answers, but all they could do was shrug, looking no less troubled than her. Uneasiness and confusion were written all over their faces.

'What does all of this mean? What the hell is Ed up to?!'

第7回 エドウィンの正義








それ以来、身の回りの偽善やうやむやを明らかにするのがエドの正義となった。……魔法使いだって? そんな得体の知れない奴が本当にいるなら、俺がこの手で明らかにしてやろうじゃないか──!

「……エド? いないの?」相変わらず騒がしい編集部にちょこんと顔を出し、アニエスは小声で呼んでみた。エドは最近とても忙しいらしく、店にもぜんぜん来ないのだ。原稿のチェックも頼んでこないし……一体何をしてるんだろう?





