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[Politics/Economy] Gramheart Administration Approval Rating 68%

The results of last weekend's straw poll are in, showing a high rating of 68% of citizens who said they 'strongly support' or 'support' the Gramheart administration. Now entering its second year, the current administration is showing no significant decline from its 74% approval rating immediately after the election. For reference, former President Rocksmith saw only a 64% approval rating after his election, which dropped to 53% by his second year in office, a clear indication of the immense popularity of the current administration. But just what is the secret to this administration's continued success? Many have been theorizing, but word on the street seems to be that strong economic policies and support from their party base have gone a long way.
In the early days after the election, some criticized the President's economic policy as being nothing more than a redistribution of the reparation funds from the Empire; however, it has since become clear that the recent economic growth is thanks to the president making full use of the free markets and free trade unique to the Republic. Detractors are having a hard time denying the effectiveness of Gramheart's policies, since his abolition of various regulations and lowering of interest rates, as well as his rethinking of protectionism, have resulted in the growth of the national GDP by 1.3 percent [note 1] over the last two years. The Gramheart administration is also bolstered by its party base, which is both wide and deep.
Originally when the president declined to halt the abolishment of support policies for Central Eastern and Eastern regions, it was assumed he would fail to gain any support from the immigrant citizens, relying only on a more conservative base. And though he did reduce the support policies, he also did away with the restrictions on the rights of immigrant citizens and encouraged Eastern and Central Eastern industries to take part in the competitive markets that are the cornerstone of his economic policy. This has led to increased employment opportunities for immigrants and resulted in more sustainable support for the regions. An executive of an Eastern region company was quoted as saying 'Giving us a level playing field has granted us the chance to take the challenge of our economy into our own hands,' giving us a deeper look at the feelings in the region.
Overall, the Gramheart administration has been leading the Republic with stability far surpassing that of the previous administration and enacting bold new initiatives. Of course, there are still plenty of challenges ahead for the Republic, such as the cessation of Imperial reparations later this year. Just what future lies ahead of us, dear readers? At the time of writing, it's hard to tell but we hope the current administration has more pleasant surprises in store to continue winning the hearts of the citizenry.

[Culture] Lugan Takes the Grand Circuit

Yesterday saw the successful end to another race on the Edith 12th District's Grand Circuit. As expected, all eyes were on Maxim Lugan, who's in his third year as the reigning champion of Z1 racing. Speaking to our reporters on his next goal, Lugan said, 'Well, I've got five first place finishes under my belt in the qualifiers, so I'm hoping to score a fourth win at the finals.'
While he's known to be quite the flirt, Lugan's consistent performance and enthusiasm during races are what really continues to drive us wild. By the way, did you catch the other big scoop at this year's race? It was easy to miss, especially next to the excitement surroudning Lugan's record-breaking run.
This year saw a massive increase in the number of foreign correspondents who had traveled to Calvard to cover the race. Z1 racing and other motorsports are a major part of the orbal automobile culture unique to Calvard, which has always drawn some eyes from abroad. However, even taking into account, the crowds from abroad this year were bigger than ever, a topic of hot discussion among Z1 fans. A PR representative from the Verne Company commented, 'This is a clear sign that the racing authorities are considering the possibility of inviting foreign companies like the Reinford Group to participate.'
It is true that since the construction of race circuits in Elsaim and Ored two years ago, foreign Z1 fans have been clamoring for the inclusion of foreign teams in Calvard's Z1 championship. The Z1 race is a chance for Calvard's automakers to compete and show off their technology. So wouldn't an internation race be the perfect chance to show off the strength of Calvard's automotive industry against those of Liberl and the Empire? This is the question lingering on many minds.
The aforementioned PR rep had this to say: 'It is true that on our end we are considering the possibility of foreign automakers participating by invitation. Fair and balanced competition between internation industries is the best way to expand our horizons and learn where we're weakest. Many executives are well aware that steel sharpens steel, as they say.'
Though this may simply be the desire of one company, their support does make the idea of foreign pariticipation in the races seem more realistic. Aside from foreign industry representatives, there were also many foreign investors at yesterday's race, showing that Z1 racing is gaining popularity in the international economic market as well. As orbal automobile technology evolves, so, too does the Z1 racing scene continue to expand day by day. What kind of epic future can we expect as Z1 racing accelerates us into this new age of incredible globalization?

[Advertisement] Get a Taste of History with Quincy Bell

Quincy Company, confectioners beloved by even the royal family in old Calvard, has announced a new summer treat: a specially selected assortment of bonbon chocolates. The brandy bonbons, with a fragrant sprinkling of cocoa powder on the outside and a brandy bite on the inside, are a perfect blend that can only be described as genius. Only a brand like Quincy Bell, with its one-hundred-year history, could bring you a flavor so high class, so refined, and so unforgettable. This bonbon collection also makes the perfect gift for anyone. Create sweet new memories with every bite! Why not keep Quincy Bell in mind next time you need something to show your appreciation to that special someone?

  1. In JP this is written to be a 1.3 times increase, or 30 percent

【政治・経済】 グラムハート政権、支持率68%



【文化】 グランサーキット、優勝者はルーガン氏


ところで、今回のレースではルーガン氏の記録更新にやや隠れがちだが、もう一つ注目されている点がある事はご存じだろうか? それは、例年に比して圧倒的に諸外国の記者や観客が多く見られたという点である。

【広告】  クインシー・ベルで味わう歴史的な美味

