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[Economy] Kowloon Financial Bank's Investments Reach All-Time High

The Kowloon Financial Bank's assets ranked seventh among all the major banks of Zemuria in the first-half continental financial report for this year, their highest ever result. Especially notable was that this marked the bank's first time surpassing Elsaim's Ludos Development Bank, known as the embodiment of the wealth of the Central East. However, the Kowloon Financial Bank has no time to rest its laurels, as it was just overtaken last year by Valis Investment Bank, another institution in the Central East.
The Kowloon Financial Bank is the second largest financial institution in Calvard, just after the Bank of Edith, and forms the central pillar of the Kowloon Group, the largest investment group in the East. The bank influences numerous smaller financial institutions across the continent and has been steadily increasing its market share from year to year, a fact that is of great significance not only to its investors but also to the Eastern population currently residing in the West.
This means when Kowloon Financial Bank shows strong results like they did today, their investors become even more active in their investments than those belonging to other institutions, and every investment is full of hope. It therefore becomes vital to investors in the institution to learn how to ride this wave. The Kowloon Group's investments are also being supported by their recent movements to expand their shares in the Central East and Erebonia, emerging from their shell as 'the largest Eastern investment group in the Republic' to become an international financial group.
Companies affiliated with the Kowloon Group have already been expanding into Crossbell as well as various other regions. Appraisals of the Kowloon Group's long-term strategy are also positive, as the group has contributed to the smooth expansion of Republic industry in the Empire. It seems it's going to be worth keeping an eye on the future developments of the Kowloon Group.

[Technology] Expectations Soar as Xipha Takes The Grand Stage

Developed as the first independent orbment project by the Verne Company and the Republic, the Xipha is the next generation of combat orbments. Many of our readers have probably been keeping a close eye on this technology, and we're pleased to report that results from the usage of Xipha in the field have so far been extremely positive—so much so that the Verne Company has announced the development of a public-use version of the orbment with the combat functions omitted.
Xiphas have plenty of functions outside of their combat use, including communication and simple information processing. If the Xipha does indeed see public use, it could cause a significant shift in how we live and work. Several sponsors involved with the development are already testing out prototypes of the public version, and many of them have praised the prototypes for their functionality and versatility, both of which far surpass the current generation of orbal terminals. In fact, in communication and information processing over the orbal network, the public Xipha prototypes are said to be able to take the place of many orbal terminals currently in use today.
Now, while there is plenty of excitement swirling around the Xipha, our readers may be aware that there has been plenty of controversy surrounding its development.
The Xipha was the first combat orbment project to be planned and developed without any contribution from the Epstein Foundation, a decision spurred on by the Republican government and Verne Company's desire for the country to cultivate its own technology. This decision to exclude the foundation was initially met with heavy criticism; after all, combat orbments are the most specialized type of orbments, and it was an unwritten rule in the international communtiy that the development of new ones must be done under the supervision of the Epstein Foundation.
This caused concerns that development without the foundation could lead to technical risks and make the Republic and Verne Company a laughingstock to the rest of the world. Yet looking at the results produced by the Xipha so far, we can safely say that there was no need to worry about such things. The Xipha and all of its cutting-edge functions have been performing flawlessly, and it seems the distrust of the international community has been smoothed over as well. Xiphas have begun to see use among bracers and others aboard.
As of now, the details of the Xipha's creation as well as details about the organizations funding its development are still unclear, and as such the voices criticizing the Xipha have not yet been completely silenced. It remains to be seen just how much the Xipha, with all the hopes and fears resting on it, will improve our lives in the long term.

[Society] The Elusive Phantom Thief Grimcat Strikes Again!

It seems that sightings of and thefts by Grimcat, the phantom thief who has been troubling the Republic for some time now, are once more on the rise, drawing eyes from across the continent. It has been a quarter of a century since the female phantom thief Grimcat first made an appearance. Although there are rumors that the Grimcat behind this latest series of capers may, in fact, be a successor or a copycat of the original, there's not enough substantial evidence to say either way. Regardless, if we consider the Grimcat who's been active in recent years to be the 'current' Grimcat, then this current Grimcat appears to be returning to activity after a year-long hiatus. Little is known about this mysterious thief, including what she's been doing for the last year. As our readers may know, though Grimcat's identity is an enigma, it's no mystery that she is considered a chivalrous thief, targeting only current politicians who amass wealth through underhanded means and corportations that build their fortunes on illegal activities. This has garnered her a dedicated fanbase, who says her activities help alleviate the disgruntlement they feel towards shady companies and crooked politicians. The question, then, becomes whether or not a thief can every truly be thought of as 'chivalrous.' Though her targets may be seen as morally evil politicians and companies, she would still be charged with burglary if she were ever caught. And even if we look at her acts as a sort of justice, this vigilante activity doesn't suit the modern constitutional Repulic we live in. Opinions are split among the populace; is Grimcat a necessary evil? Or just another common crook?

[Culture] The Diversifying Notes of Republic Musical Culture

Since its founding, the Republic has cultivated a diverse musical culture. The chansons and operas of Oración are perhaps the most well known Republic musical genres across the continent, but have you heard of the new musical movements gaining popularity among the youth these days? First is rock, a rising genre from the last few years characterized by its quick tempo, use of mainly guitars and drums, and a shared theme of the spirit of youth rising up against the rigid rules of society. Though the genre itself isn't a new thing among youth culture, it was originally shunned as music for punks and ne'er-do-wells due to its aggressive style and lyrics that seemed to call for rebellion against social norms. In recent years, however, these prejudices against the genre have mellowed, and it is now beginning to be seen as a good outlet for youth to express themselves. As it stands, the genre of rock is on the cusp of an era of expansion, with plenty of room for future development. Most of our readers have probably heard of rock, but many are quite unfamiliar with the second genre topping current trends: idol pop. It's no surprise, either. As the idol genre is still in a highly experimental stage, combining the vocal impact of a traditional songstress with the glamour of a movie actress or fashion model to produce an avant-garde style all its own. Currently, the fanbase for the idol genre is limited and fanatical. Each idol is typically a young woman who has created a brand based on her image, much like a model or actress. The idol then performs song and dance routines that support and promote this brand image. This leads to a special individuality to the songs and dances that is the main enjoyment for fans of the genre. Even in this one niche of underground musical culture, you can get a sense of the diversity and freedom of Calvard, where the idol genre was born.

【経済】 《九龍銀行》資産、過去最高額に


【技術】 ザイファ規格民生化にかかる期待

さて、民生化に期待の膨らむザイファ規格だが、開発に際して議論が紛糾した経緯があった事は、ご存じだろうか。 ザイファは、「自国独自の技術を養うべき」という政府とヴェルヌ社の方針により、戦術オーブメント開発としては異例となる《エプスタイン財団》の参画無しに企画・進行されたプロジェクトだ。当初は“財団外し”として国内外からの批判に晒された事も記憶に新しい。戦術オーブメントは、数ある導力器の中でも特殊で、財団の監修の下で新規開発を行う事が国際的な慣例であった事は広く知られている。そのため、財団の監修無しでの開発は、技術的なリスクや、共和国及びヴェルヌ社の国際的な信用を損なう可能性への危惧があったためだ。 

【社会】 《怪盗グリムキャッツ》、活動再活性化か!?

【文化】 多様化する共和国の音楽文化

