[Culture] Tharbad Film Festival to Open on Schedule
The President of Vegas Films, Gaspard Dillon, has announced that their Tharbad Film Festival will be on schedule to open on the 7th of this month. Dillon also revealed to reporters that while the Messeldam Film Festival was canceled due to terrorist threats earlier in the year, luckily, no such threats have been made against the Tharbad Film Festival at this point in time, and all preparations are proceeding safely and smoothly. He expressed his desire to make this new film festival a success for Messeldam's sake as well. This will be the first film festival held in Tharbad, and expectations are riding high as it attempts to fill the hole left by Messeldam's cancellation. Due to this, it seems the attendees and investors gathering to participate are far beyong initial expectations. However, despite both being film festivals, there are enough differences between Messeldam and Tharbad to render some doubt as to whether Tharbad could be considered a 'replacement.' Unlike the Messeldam Film Festival, which focuses on cinema as form of art, the Tharbad Film Festival, supervised by award-winning director Salvatore Gotti, will be dedicated entirely to film as entertainment. Attendees who see this as its own festival, with its unique direction, will perhaps enjoy the event more than those who simply see it as a replacement for Messeldam. Incidentally, the royal family of Elsaim, who have long been investors in the economy of Tharbad, have poured significant funds into this event, stating their hopes that this will encourage the growth of cinema in their country as well. This strong international focus is another way the Tharbad Film Festival will be a while different event from Messeldam.
[Society] Elaine Solves String of Homicides in the Dazzling City
Sources have revealed that bracer Elaine Auclair was instrumental in resolving the string of brutal homicides in Langport last month. Ms. Auclair was reportedly visiting Langport on business during the incident in which ten youths were found dead in the eastern and harbor districts of the city. Officials were unable to release details on the perpetrators at this time but stated that they were movng towards a swift resolution for the incident. Much of the circumstances surrounding what happened remain shrouded in mystery, but the fears of the local residents seem to have been calmed. Interviews with local law enforcement and the local branch of the Bracer Guild confirmed that Ms. Auclair was a huge help in apprehending the suspects and gathering information vital to solving this mysterious crime. Mr. Hazel, a representative of Edith's Bracer Guild, the branch which Ms. Auclair hails from, avoided discussing any specifics of the incident or her participation in it. Speaking breifly to reporters, Auclair avoided revealing any details of the incident in her interview, instead leaving only the words 'I wasn't the one who cracked the case,' with a regretful look on her face. We did have one of our reporters in the area at the time, but she was on the trail of another article at the time, and this, coupled with the conflicting reports she received of the incident, meant our initial coverage was severely hampered. We'll take this as a lesson and use it to improve our coverage in areas outside the capital to ensure we're always bringing you the best and most up-to-date reports possible.
[International] Tensions Rise in Central Eastern Power Struggles
Earlier this year, wealth distribution in the Central East was turned upside down. The funds of the Valis Investment Bank, based in the coastal city-state of Valis in the Central East, leaped above those held within the Ludos Development Bank located in the Principality of Elsaim, which has been the financial leader in the region for quite some time. Thanks to Valis' dramatic growth in power over the last decade or so, the economic power struggles in the Central East have become a common sight these days. Despite this, it is still an incredible feat for Valis to overtake a rival organization with an unshakeable foundation, enormous territory, vast underground reserves of wealth, and one which has been increasing its investments steadily for decades. A representative from the Principality of Elsaim stated, 'His Majesty the Grand Prince and His Highness the Crown Prince are remaining firm, though some nobles and cabinet ministers are pushing for quick action,' revealing some apprehension regarding Valis' rapid growth while still paying respect to the solidarity of Elsaim's ruling family. He added, 'The investments coming from Valis are difficult for us to understand. We thought they were focusing on rounding up the support of all the local tribes, only for them to suddenly pour vast amounts of resources into Ored, quite some ways out of their territory. It's hard for anyone to predict what they'll do next.' From his words, it's pretty clear that Elsaim's economic strategists are having trouble comprehending the logic of Valis' aggressive investments. The representative admits that this flexibility is one of the reasons many tribes and smaller nations in the Central East that do not align with Elsaim's views have high hopes for Valis. Though there has been no military involvement quite yet, the economic conflict between the two powers in the Central East is staring to give off sparks. Due to the deep financiel ties between Calvard and Elsaim, this is hardly a concern solely for the Central East. Depending on how things play out, the economy of the Republic could be severely impacted. We encourage our readers in Calvard to keep a close eye on the situation.
[Society] Most Wanted: Devancy Brothers Still at Large
A media representative for the Edith Police Department confirmed today that the Devancy brothers, the dastardly duo wanted for fraud, extortion, and robbery throughout various jurisdictions, have continued to evade capture. He admitted to reporters that a recent focus of police resources have been on mafia-related investigations, leaving the Devancy case overlooked. However, he added that the police have expanded the scope of their manhunt for the two to cities outside of the capital. 'The worst case scenatio would be for them to flee the country,' the representative stated, indicating that this possibility is the cause of the broadened scope. The Devancy brothers are known for studying their victims carefully before enacting a con tailered to each victim to extract them of their money, a tactic which has caused them to incur over eighteen million mira in damages. The police representative stressed that citizens who have any information, no matter how trivial it may seem, that could lead to the capture of the Devancy brothers are encouraged to share it with local law enforcement as soon as possible.
[Calvard Hot-Spots] ~Longlai Edition~
Longlai is a hot springs paradise nestled in a quiet basin between two mountain ranges on the eastern tip of the Republic. Have you had a chance to visit and experience it? The Eastern 'wabi-sabi' experience of Longlai is quite different from that of Langport. From the relaxing hot springs to the unique Eastern culture that finds solace in tranquility, there are plenty of reasons for you to visit. It's one of Calvard's hot spots you should deprive yourself of seeing at least once! Last but not least, due to Longlai enlightening from a cultural standpoint, exploring the differences between Langport and Longlai can give a unique experience of the depth and diversity of Eastern culture. There are just farroo many other draws to count, from the beaty of nature seen through the majestic waterfalls and wonderous mountain views that can change with the seasons to absolutely scrumptious cuisine that makes full use of Longlai's unique climate. If you're tired of the daily grind, why not make a stop in Longlai, take a nice soak in its hot springs, and let its unique Eastern culture soothe your mind and spirit?
【文化】 サルバッド映画祭、予定通り開催へ
【社会】 煌都の大規模殺人事件、解決にエレイン氏貢献
【国際】 中東の覇権争い、更なる激化の兆し
【社会】 指名手配犯《ディバンシー兄弟》未だ捕まらず
【カルバード名所紹介】 ~龍來編~ 共和国最東端、二つの大山脈に挟まれた静かな盆地にぽつりと位置する温泉郷《龍來》。
煌都ともまた違った“侘び寂び”を是とする東方文化が感じられるこの地を、皆さまは訪れた事がありますか? 心安らぐ温泉に、静けさの中に深みを見出す独自の東方文化など、この町ならではの魅力が盛りだくさん。共和国に在住しているからには一度は訪れたい名所の代表格です。 特に、ラングポートにおける東方文化との違いに自ら気づく事が出来れば、東方文化の奥深さを一層感じられる事でしょう。
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