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[Culture] Tharbad Film Festival Ends in a Resounding Success

The Tharbad Film Festival, held just the other day, ended on a high note with many voices calling for a repeat of the festival as soon as possible. Many attendees were delighted by director Salvatore Gotti's focus on the entertainment aspect of cinema, which included some dramatic surprise performances, with one attendee commenting, 'It really managed to differentiate itself from the Messeldam Film Festival, and showed the diversity of entertainment in the Republic.' As the on-site reporter, I bore witness to the excitement of the scene, the enthusiastic reactions to the special performances, and the many voices calling for an encore of the festival. That said, we cannot forget the unfortunate news casting a dark cloud over the joy of this event and the problems that arise because of it. The evening before the festival opened, Gaspard Dillon, President of Vegas Films, tragically passed away. The festival was still held in accordance with his will: however, the details and cause of his death have not yet been revealed. I must express doubts regarding the almost riotous excitement that spread in the latter half of the festival. Even the local law enforcement involved in security were also surprised by the aggressive enthusiasm of the attendees, which has some worried abouyt the overall safety and planning of the event. Despite this, I'm sad to see it go. Of course, even with the sadness preceding it, the festival was still exceptionally well received, and there is plenty of excitement for the future of the Tharbad Film Festival. Still, we can't entirely dismiss the lingering shadows of the event. There were some unconfirmed rumors of an increase in troubling incidents, especially among visitors to Tharbad during the preparations for the festival. Taken as a whole, perhaps we should use these difficulties surrounding the Tharbad Film Festival to make the next one even better.

[Economy] Patent Lawsuit Filed Between Verne Affiliates

Troubling Verne CEO Sources have revealed that a patent dispute over a new engine cooling technology has erupted between the orbal automobile makers Red Star and ETWS, both of whom fall under the umbrella of the Verne Company. To give some background, recently, Red Star has begun using engine coolant technology to reduce engine load in their larger trucks. Once it was discovered that this technology was based on the same theory as the engine coolant ETWS has been using to extend the road life of their orbal vehicles since last year, ETWS filed a lawsuit claiming patent infringement. Due to the size of the conglomerate under the Verne umbrella, it is inevitable that some conflicts may arise from tiem to time, and it is the responsibility of Verne's headquarters to coordinate with their various affiliates. However, since Professor Latoya Hamilton stepped down as an honorary consultant to the group, problems such as these have been on the rise, and it's clear that coordination among the affiliates is unraveling.
Current CEO Bill Tausend, stated, 'This is nothing more than an internal dispute within the Verne Company and will have no impact on our customers. We have already dispatched lawyers to sort things out as efficiently as possible.' He heavily emphasized that this was merely a temporary issue and would not in any way hinder the company's overall activities. However, the Verne Company may not have time to deal with internal issues as external demands, such as orders from the government, keep increasing. Now is a time they need to appear as unified and reliable as possible. The leadership skills of Verne's headquarters and their CEO will be put to the text once again.

[Technology] Is the Verne Company Developing a Next-Generation Weapon?

Sources close to the Verne Company have stated that the company is currently developing a brand new, next-generation weapon, the likes of which even the Republican Army has never seen.
Though details are scarce, what we do know is this new weapon is unrelated to the current military branches or tactics of the Republican Army, and is related to the technology currently used for the Xipha combat orbments. Thinking back to recent weapon developments, we've had the Panzer Soldats of the Empire, which began to see use during their civil war. And before that, there were military airships deployed by Liberl to gain the upper hand over the Empire during the Hundred Days War. The use of the former is currently part of the curriculum of the Empire's Thors Military Academy, while the latter has seen use in militaries across the continent, including the Republican Army. Despite how common they may seem these days, both inventions changed the face of military tactics and ushered in new eras of warfare. The Verne Company and Republican government are currently working hard to develop technologies unique to Calvard, including combat orbments made without the reliance on the Epstein Foundation, and are showing some promising results. The development of a new, next-generation weapon seems to be a natural extension of this trend. Though we are most likely quite a ways out from an official announcement, we have great expectations for changes this new weapon will introduce to the national defense of Calvard.

[Society] Beware a New Generation fo Scams and Shady Deals

In recent years, we have seen a worrying increase in new types of scams and unscrupulous business practices being reported, especially in the capital. When someone says 'fraud' or 'shady deals' one may immediately think of typical scams such as insurance fraud and pyramid schemes. However, with recent technological advances and the diversification of our society, new types of fraud are on the rise. Perhaps the clearest example is orbal net fraud. In the past few years, the orbal new has spread rapidly across the continent and, unlike in its early days when it has a small userbase of just specialists, its many services are now more readily enjoyed by the public. However, due to this rapid spread, the users of today are not fully educated on the systems of the orbal net. Orbal net fraud targets the gaps in users' understanding to illegally extract personally information or send fraudulent bills to obtain mire.

With regards to new forms of unscrupulous business practices, it seems that many of them are focused in human resources and mediation sectors, including scams commenly referred to as 'shady part-time jobs.' One could make an argument that these scams partially stem from the diversity of our great republic. These schemes often target youth who are hunting for jobs in brand new fields or immigrants who haven't been properly educated on labor in Calvard. These targets are picked up by recruiters who promise them huge sums of mira and then place them in high-risk jobs such as disposable labor in legally gray industries or as fall guys in fraud schemes. Victims recruited in this way often say they had no idea what they were doing when they find themselves being accuses of complicity in a crime. A representative from the Edith Police Department cautioned: 'If something sounds too good to be true, take some time to cool off, think about it, and do some objective research. Be especially careful of any opportunities you receive that are worded in such a way they they stir up feelings of sympathy, anxiety, or a sense of a shared mission.' The officer added that we must all take these schemes very seriously, as the mira raken in the schemes often ends up funding anti-government groups. Understandably, many citizens may feel they don't know how to guard against these new forms of crime. However, at the very least we must learn to face reality of their existence if we want to live safely in our rapidly-developing modern society. For now, just be on the lookout for anything suspicious or that sounds too good to be true. If something like that comes your way, take a step back and discuss it with the police, the Bracer Guild, a lawyer, or someone else in a position of authority who can help.

【文化】 サルバッド映画祭、大盛況のうちに終了

【経済】 ヴェルヌ傘下企業間で特許訴訟。CEOの苦難
ヴェルヌ・グループは複合企業である関係上、どうしても傘下企業間での行き違いも多く、ヴェルヌ本社がその調整に責任を持つ。しかし、ヴェルヌの名誉顧問であったラトーヤ・ハミルトン博士が同職を辞任して以来、こうした問題は増加傾向にあり、足並みが揃わない節が見受けられる。 現CEOのビル・タウゼント氏は「あくまでもグループ内での問題に過ぎず、消費者の不利益には繋がらないし、ヴェルヌ本社でも弁護士を手配し、順次迅速に対応している」として、こうした問題が一時的なものに過ぎず、グループ全体の活動に支障をきたすものではない事を強調した。 
【技術】 ヴェルヌ社、新機軸の次世代兵器を開発中か
 ヴェルヌ社が、これまでの共和国軍には無かった新機軸の次世代兵器を開発中である事が関係筋への取材で判明した。 詳細は不明ながら、共和国軍における既存の兵科・戦術の枠にとらわれないものであるとされ、ザイファ規格の戦術オーブメントとも技術的な関連性があるとされる。 

【社会】 新種の詐欺・悪徳商法に気をつけよう
しかし、普及の急速さ故に一般的な利用者の多くは導力ネットのシステムなどについて十分に認知していないという実情がある。導力ネット詐欺は弱みに付け込み、個人情報の違法な取得や、架空請求によるミラの振り込み要求をするものだ。 また悪徳商法に関しては、俗に“闇バイト”と言われるものを含め、人材の斡旋や仲介といった分野においての活動が目立つようになりつつあるようだ。これは、共和国の持つ多様性に根差した側面もある。従来にはない新しい形態の職業に就く若者や、共和国の就労事情について十分に理解をしていないニューカマーの移民が標的となる事が多いという。 
