[Society] Explosive Spread of Terrorism in Basel! University Professor Found Dead
The full picture of the destructive outcome of the large-scale simultaneous terror attack on Basel and Anchorville which occurrsed on October 24th is becoming clearer and clearer since the presidential executive order was lifted. As soon as the order was lifted, the Verne Company and Basel authorities released statements regarding the damage and the road to recovery. According to their reports, infrastructure installations such as the generators and communication networks damaged in the attacks, are more or less back up and running. However, several factories hit by the attacks have not yet been able to resume operations. Perhaps most shocking was the announcement of the death of David Callaghan, professor of engineering science at the Basel Institute of Science. He was known for making great contributions to the development of weaponry for the Republican Army under the previous administration, and many government officials were unable to hide their shock at his death. It was easy to see the influence Professor Callaghan had during his life from the large number of officials from the previous presidential administration and Republican Party who attended his funeral servies. Senator Polanski of the Republican Party said of him: 'He took a different approach to things than Professor Hamilton in his contributions to the technological advancement of the Republic, and those contributions have formed the very basis for our country's modern heavy industries.' Professor Callaghan's body was found on the outskirts of town, and the cause of death given was drowning, making some speculate that he was targeted personally for a cause unrelated to the terrorist attacks. One must wonder if his research, which we will discuss later in the article, was the reason he was targeted. We can only hope that the authorities uncover the truth and release a full statement quickly. Before his death, Professor Callaghan was researching a revolutionary new method for energy extraction. Parts of his project are now being carried on by Professor Yang Cronkite, one of Professor Callaghan's colleagues at the institute, as well as Professor Latoya Hamilton, who is temporarily back in the country. It appears that stock prices for the Verne Company, which had fallen temporarily due to the terrorist attack, have begun to rise again thanks to the progress on this research. Some believe this special research may have caused Professor Callaghan to be caught up in this incident, however, the authorities and institure have said nothing about any possible link. Anchorville, which was hit at the same time as Basel with terrorist bombings and arson, saw immense damage to its transit and logistics infrastructure. Repair efforts are still ongoing. Government officials are speculating that the Anchorville attack was merely a distraction to draw eyes away from the main attack in Basel. Incidentally, the Eaton New Network, a local Anchorville media company, was also hit by arson during the attack, and several of their reporters were seriously injured. Despite being damaged as part of the attack, the Eaton News Network was the first outler to report on it, garnering praise from many who were impressed by the dedication of their reporters. We here at the Tyrell Times have the utmost respect for their dedication as fellow news media presenters, and we pray for their swift recovery.
[Special] An Interview with Professor Hamilton, Currently Visiting Calvard
We're here with Professor Latoya Hamilton, known as the mother of the Orbal Revolution in the Republic. It has been three long years since Professor Hamilton was last in Calvard, due to her involvement in on-site surveys of the environmental phenomena plaguing the eastern part of the continent. The Tyrell Times was able to arrange for a quick interview while she was here. We hoped to get her unique perspectiveon current technological developments as well as her outlook for the future.
Q: What do you think about the rapid technological development we have been seeing in the last years?
LH: 'We've seen extremely rapid progress, especially in the field of information technologym compared to back when I was an advisor at the Verne Company. I believe information and computing technology will be especially beneficial to our lives and could aid with things such as the development of remote locations. On the other hand, at the speed we are developing, I think at some point technology will be begin to control us, rather than the other way around. To safely sustain rapid growth like this, we have to ensure that we truly understand the new technology and are keeping it under our control. One could say it's dangerous to base our thinking about new technological developments on their pace alone.'
Q: How do you think orbal technology will evolve in the future?
LH: 'Looking at current trends, I think we'll see more automation of machinery, but the development that will change the world would be the creation of a global-scale orbal network. At the moment, orbal networks are concentrated mainly in major, developed cities. However, we're seeing more and more cities being added to the network, and connected cities are actively communicating with each other. In theory, if we were able to set up a network of relay airships and create an international standard for orbal waves, we could see a future where we could connect to the orbal network from anywhere at any time. If we can do that, people from all over thew workd, including those who have been excluded from the current advances in technology, will be able to enjoy all the benefits of our information age equally. Of course, while we look forward to this future, we can't forget that this will also bring the risks inherent in new technologies to a global scale.'
Q: What have you found regarding the environmental issues in the eastern part of the continent?
LH: 'Well, first of all, it's an ongoing investigation. But if everything goes according to plan, I'll be returning there sometime this year. Though the root cause is still unclear, the desertification of the eastern part of the continent is due to the septium veins in the area 'drying up.' We need to keep in mind that it's completely different from natural environmental formations like the deserts in the Central East. We also can't forget that there are still people and various cultures living in the East. It pains my heart that they are living their lives in fear, witnessing the desertification claim more and more of their land. We need to throw all the wisdom and technology we have at this problem to protect the future of not only those in the East but the people of the West as well.'
Q: What do you see in the future for the Institute of Science and Verne Company?
LH: 'I think at the moment many of us are overwhelmed with sorrow at the sudden passing of Professor Callaghan. I am quite distraught that I was out of the country and unable to respond in time to this incident. However, seeing how fast the professors and students are getting back on their feet after this loss has made me realize everyone has grown stronger since I was last there. I will, of course, be making myself available while I am here for a consultation to aid in the recovery efforts. I believe that going forward, if we band together and cultivate our wisdom and personaly convictions, we will be able to overcome any hurdle that faces us.' And with that, this concludes our interview with Professor Latoya Hamilton.[Entertainment] Lexcel Talent Agency Voices Protest
The Lexcel Talent Agency, home of famed actress Judith Lanster, issued a strong statement of protest against the gossip magazine Buzzraider, including language indicating they were 'considering a lawsuit.' The cause of this protest was a scandalous article in Buzzraider regarding Judith Lanster and famous Z1 racer Maxim 'Red Comet' Lugan. In response Lexcel clearly denied any relationship between Ms. Lanster and Mr. Lugan, issuing the aforementioned statment of protest and inviting a meeting between the two companies' legal counsels. Buzzraider has made countless headlines with flagrant disregard for the privacy of celebrities, acting as the worst kind of paparazzi and publishing unsubstantiated claims in their sensationalist articles. However, it appears this time, Buzzraider has woken the proverbial lion by crossing the Lexcel Talent Agency. Lexcel has powerful connections all across the movie and fashion industries and could be said to be on a completely different level from Buzzraider. Seems this time the gossip magazine has finally bitten off more than they can chew.
[Economy] 'Financial Guru' Speak to Young Investors
Though he is known as the 'financial guru' for running one of the top five financial institutions in Zemuria and showing consistent results from year to year, CEO Walter Huckberry seems content to live out a simple life in Edith's Old Town, where he was born and raised. Residents there are quite fond of his haughty attitude. Recently, he has been sounding the alarm for the rising generation of young investors, warning them of the dangers they face using his tried and true 'Huckberry philosophy.' This self-made philosophy is one of solid, steady growth, so he has seen some danger in the way certain young investors, spurred on by the current, unprecedented financial boom, are throwing their money haphazardly at any new and attractive venture. Through the years, he has taken the time to investigate his ventures, investing in those that may not have had the biggest dividends in the short term but have had solid prospects that paid off in the long run. The success of his company is proof of the proverb, 'slow and steady wins the race.' Mr. Huckberry describes young investors who 'gamble' on every venture they see as being 'swept along by the new current while missing their chance to climb up on the shore.' He added that investors need to be able to read the flow of the economy and use it as a guideline, rather than allowing it to swallow them up, exactly the kind of advice the financial world has come to expect from its wise sage. It is clear the boom of new industries and financial growth in Calvard is going to continue, so young investors would be wise to keep the guru's advice tucked away in their hearts. Just who knows what new paths it may reveal to you.
[Advertisement] Grand Opening of Weston Department Store's Rooftop Terrace!
A brand new way to relax has been unveiled at Edith's Weston Department Store! After a large-scale renovation, we're pleased to announce that our massive rooftop space has been converted into a relaxing part where shoppers can enjoy a majestic view and refreshing rooftop breeze. Want to get off your feet for a bit in the middle of your shopping? Why not relax while watching the hustle and bustle of the street below? The terrace also includes a restaurant, the perfect place to refresh yourself and enjoy a quick bite to eat. We also have plans to set up a small stage area on the wide rooftop where visitors can enjoy performances by entertainers and musicians. And that's just one of our many plans for the rooftop space. Everyone should keep their eyes on it to see what's coming up! Next time you're at Weston Department Store, make sure to swing by our new rooftop space!
【社会】 バーゼルのテロ、被害甚大。死亡した大学教授も
【特集】 一時帰国中のハミルトン博士にインタビュー
タイレル通信はそんなハミルトン博士にいち早くインタビューを行う事に成功した。博士ならではの視点で語られる昨今の技術進歩や未来への展望について、伝える事が出来れば幸いだ。Q:この数年での急速な技術進歩についてどうお考えですか?「私がヴェルヌの顧問を勤めていた以前に比べ、特に情報技術 の面では驚くほどのスピードでの進歩が見られます。特に、 通信や演算の技術は僻地の開発など、人々の暮らしを豊かに する分野でも役に立てて行く事が出来るでしょう。反面、こ の技術進歩の速さ故、人々が逆に技術に振り回されてしまわ ないかが心配でもあります。あくまでも人間は、技術を正し く理解し適度にコントロールする事で、安全な発展を享受で きるもの。技術進歩のペースありきで物事を考えるような姿 勢は、やや危険な面があると言えるでしょう」Q:この先、導力技術はどのように進化すると思いますか?「現状の傾向を見ると、機械類の自動化などもより発達すると 思いますが、それ以上に世界を変え得るのは“世界規模”の ネットワークが形成される可能性です。現在、導力ネットは 主に先進的な都市内での運用が主ですが、導力ネットを導入 する都市も増加傾向にあり、都市間での通信も盛んです。未 来では、これが飛行船を活用した中継器や国際的な規格の導 力波などにより、大陸の如何なる場所にいても常にアクセス し得る、という環境が理論上構築できるはずです。実現すれ ば、これまで技術の恩恵を受けにくかった方々も含め多くの 人々が等しく高度情報化社会という時代の恩恵を受ける事が 出来るでしょう。しかし、これは同時に、新技術が常に抱え るリスクもまた、世界規模で拡散し得るという側面も忘れず に向き合っていくべきです」Q:大陸東部の環境問題への取り組みについて「勿論、私も調査を続けていきます。予定通りなら年内には改 めて東方に向かいます。東部の不毛化は、根本的な原因は不 明ながら七耀脈の枯渇という特殊な現象に起因し、中東地域 の砂漠形成のような、通常の自然環境の働きとは切り離して 考えるべき問題です。──東方には、未だ人の集住する地も 多く、多様な文化が今でも息づいています。彼らが、年々拡 大する荒野への不安を感じながら暮らしている事は、非常に 胸の痛む現実です。大陸東部の方々が、西方の住民同様に未 来への希望を再び持てるよう、私達はこの問題について、持 ちうる限りの知恵と技術で向き合わねばなりません」Q:大学及びヴェルヌ社の今後に関して「今はキャラハン教授の死去や襲撃事件により、辛い気持ちで 一杯という方も多いでしょう。私も同様に、国外にいて今回 の一件に早急に対応できなかった事を心から悔いています。
しかし、皆さんの立ち直りを見ると、今の理科大学と学生た ちは、私がいた時に比べて“強く”なっている事もまた実感 できました。共和国にいる間は私も如何なる相談にも応え、 諸問題の解決に協力します。皆さんなら今後も困難を、知恵 と各々の信念を以て共に克服していけると信じています」 以上、ラトーヤ・ハミルトン博士へのインタビューでした。
【芸能】 《レクセル芸能事務所》、抗議声明を発表
【経済】 “金融界の賢人”若き投資家に物申す
【広告】 ウェストン百貨店、屋上テラス開放!
首都イーディス・ウェストン百貨店に新たな憩いの場が誕生! 大規模な改装工事を経て、屋上の余剰スペースに公園のように寛ぎ、屋上ならではの景色や風通しを味わいながら休憩できる広々としたテラスが完成いたしました。
駅前の大通りを一望しながら、お買い物の合間に一息いかが? テラスには飲食店も用意され、ゆったりとした時間を過ごす事が出来ます。
他にも多くの企画が検討されており、将来性という意味でも目の離せないスポットとなる事間違いなし! ウェストン百貨店にご来店の方は、是非とも屋上テラスにいらしてください!【緊急】 クレイユ村、謎の新兵器により壊滅か 11月15日夜、共和国北西ヴィシー郡・クレイユ村にて詳細不明の大規模爆発が発生した。翌16日、大統領府は声明を発表し、謎の新兵器を用いたテロ攻撃であると結論付け、合わせて国家非常事態宣言の発令を告知した。
しかし、“国家”による犯行で無いとすれば、一体如何なる勢力がこのような大規模な凶行を実現し得るのだろうか。関連性は不明だが、警察への取材により、クレイユ村での事件の直前にメッセルダム市を拠点とする反社会的組織の構成員達が慌ただしく動き、一部はどこかへ移動したという情報も得られた。 反社会的組織にこうした事件を引き起こす力があるとは到底考えにくいが、彼らの活動が活発化した時期が事件の発生に同調するかのようなタイミングであった事も事実だ。警察では、先月に発生した同時多発テロ事件と同一犯である可能性も加味しながら捜査を続けていく見込みだ。
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