[Society] Organization Behind Creil Village Incident Crushed
Government officials held a press conference today in which they stated the anti-government organization Almata had been fully exposed and its leading members were taken into custody, effectively destroying the organization. It was also revealed that Almata was behind the devastating terrorist attack on Creil Village, bringing an end to the investigation of the incident as well as the national state of emergency. The Almata organization is a mafia based in Messeldam that has shown rapid expansion in recent years. Investigators have stated the organization has been amassing large amounts of mira after a change in leadership led to the mafia shamelessly indulging in illegal activities such as drug and human trafficking, which it had avoided under its previous leaders. This, coupled with additional funding from several unknown sources, allowed the organization to obtain state-of-the-art weapons such as the one that destroyed Creil. However, many mysteries about the organization remain unsolved, such as why a group getting rich of criminal activities would suddenly attack a rural village. Almata was also involved in the bombing of the Vashtar Palace ruins in Oración on November 22nd, with several members being arrested on the outskirts of the city. Almata's leader, Gerard Dantès, is believed to have been caught in the collapse of the ruins, though at the time of writing the debris is still being excavated. If he is found alive, then he will be arrested again on charges of drug and human trafficking, as well as general and specific cases of destruction of property. He will also be questioned once more regarding his activities during the terrorist attack on Creil. As this case comes to a close, we ask our readers to keep in mind the heroic efforts of brave contributors from the police force, bracers, and CID, as well as certain civilians who wish to remain anonymous at this time, all of whom worked together towards this resolution.
[Culture] Revolution Festival to be Held On Schedule
With the terrorist attack on Creil Villafe and subsequent national state of emergency, many were concerned that the festival would be postponed. However, thanks to the early resolution of the incident, the festival is set to open on December 3rd as planned. Aside from the addition of a special memorial ceremony for those lost in Creil, the event will follow the originally proposed schedule. The celebrations at this year's Revolution Festival are set to be the greatest the country has ever seen, with spending on the event already 1.3 times more than last year. The office of the president has been directly involved in directing the presentations and performances, and word has it the Republican Army will be exhibiting some of its next-generation weaponry. Stock prices have skyrocketed ahead of the festival with many foreign investors riding their hopes on it as well. Experts who have run sample calculations indicate the total profits from the event, including secondary effects of the festival, could reach upwards of eighty billion mira, more than making up for the economic losses the country incurred last month. The announcement of the festival's opening seems to have lifted the gloomy atmosphere that has clouded our great Republic since the recent tragedy. We pray this festival will ring in a new year of hope for the country.
[Society] Heads of Major Oración Corporations Taken in String of Arrests
There's not a citizen in Calvard who doesn't recognize the names ETWS and Quincy. The former is a prestigious brand has established itself int he world of orbal automobiles, while the latter is a major confectionary brand. Both have their headquarters in the ancient city of Oración. Both are also headed by descendants of the elite aristocracy of the old Calvard Kingdom.
Yet on November 22nd of this year, authorities took the heads of both of these prestigious companies into custody. According to sources within the Oración police, both Edmond Auclair, CEO of the Quincy Company, and Benoit Daltie, President of ETWS, had been illegally funneling funds to anti-immigration groups for over a decade. The police also discovered that the companies had been providing funds to the anti-government organization Almata for several years. After the initial arrests of Aculair and Daltie, monetary connections between anti-immigration as well as anti-government groups by many prominent business owners and investors were discovered, leading to a string of arrests that sent shockwaves throughout various sectors. The fact that two of the greatest companies in Oración would indirectly support isolationists sentiment and terrorist acts by backing anti-immigration and anti-government organizations is already unthinkable, but it is even more appalling that their funding has flowed into the pockets of the Almata, the same group that committed one of the most horrifying attacks in our history. Following these revelations, stock prices on all Oración-affiliated companies plummeted, even for companies that were not directly involved in the scandal, leaving the Oración Trust Bank scrambling to respond.
Authorities are currently investigation how money began flowing from these companies to anti-immigration groups as well as Almata. It seems all we can do is wait for the honor of Oración to be restored through the full disclosure of these details. The fact that Edmond Auclair, CEO of the Quincy Company, is the father of Calvard A-rank bracer Elaine Auclair has also become a recent topic of conversation. According to sources, Ms. Auclair attempted to resign her position as a bracer as a way of taking responsibility for the crimes of her family. However, considering it was Ms. Auclair herself who arrested her father and taking into account her many heroic deeds, the guild refused her resignation, allowing her to retain her position. Mr. Hazel, a representative of Edith's Bracer Guild, revealed to our reporters: 'We are getting loads of letters every day expressing support for Elaine and the way she is facing up to the crimes her father committed.' As expected, the people are still looking forward to Ms. Auclair's future exploits.[Special Future] Spotlight on Edith's 3rd District
There's one place in the capital that has shown more excitement for the festival than any other over the last years. As many readers may have already guessed. it's the 3rd District, where the gorgeous Trion Tower stands. You may be aware of the numerous special events held in the 3rd District in recent years, such as the Edith Girls' Collection (EGC), along with the booming Trion Mall, its massive commercial center. But, do you know how the 3rd District got started on this economic boom it now enjoys? The 3rd District was restructured over forty years ago in preparation for the construction of Trion Tower. The tower was designed by the one and only Dr. Epstein and functions as both a meteorological observation tower as well as one of the few orbal transmission towers on the continent, supporting the infrastructure of orbal communications in Calvard.
Since then, the district has been the center of attention, with various shows and lectures being held at the theater constructed at the base of the Tower. Around a decade ago, this theater was also renovated into Trion Hall, where an even greater variety of shows, such as musical performances and the EGC, are now held, drawing even more fame to the district. Three years ago, we saw the opening of the Trion Mall, also located at the foot of the tower. Thanks to a unique approach to gathering merchants, the mall is now constantly full of happy shoppers. This year, visitors to Trion Hall can look forward to the annual EGC event, held on the evening of the Revolution Festival, as well as a New Year's Eve music festival, held every year on December 31st. With the Revolution Festival on its way, it seems the 3rd District will be shining even brighter than usual.
【社会】 オラシオン名門企業経営者、相次いで逮捕
また、両社とも同族経営であり、社長一族が旧カルバード王国の名門貴族(前者は侯爵家、後者は伯爵家)の末裔である事でも知られている。 そんな名門企業の代表取締役が11月22日に当局に身柄を拘束された。オラシオン警察への取材により、クインシー社CEOのエドモン・オークレール氏及びエトワス社のブノワ・ダルティエ氏両名は、10年以上前から反移民団体への不正な資金提供を行っており、この数年間においては、反社会的勢力アルマータへの資金供与も確認されていた事が明らかとなった。
オラシオン名門企業が反移民団体を支援し、テロや排斥運動に間接的に加担した──これだけでも驚愕に値するが、前代未聞の大量虐殺事件を引き起こしたアルマータにも資金が流れていた事は、更なる衝撃だ。これらが明るみになった事により、オラシオン系企業は事件に関与していない企業すら含めて全体的に株価が暴落し、オラシオン信託銀行も対応に追われている。 当該企業と反移民団体の結びつきや、アルマータにもミラが流れるようになった経緯などについても、当局は目下調査を進めている状況であるという。一刻も早い詳細の解明による、オラシオンの名誉回復が待たれるばかりだ。
【特集】 イーディス第3区特集 ここ数年で、記念祭が近づくと他の地区に比べても盛り上がりを見せる土地が、首都には存在する。今ではご存じの方も多いだろう、《トリオンタワー》が存在する第3区である。
そもそも、首都第3区は本来はトリオンタワーの建造のために、40年以上前に再整備された地区である。トリオンタワーはかのエプスタイン博士が設計した気象観測塔であると共に、共和国の通信インフラを支える大陸有数の導力波塔だ。 このため、トリオンタワー及び周辺地域は当時より多大な注目を集めるようになり、タワーの麓に位置する劇場を利用したイベントや講演会が当時から行われて来た。そして、その劇場が約10年前に大規模改修工事を経て《トリオンホール》としてリニューアルして以来、EGCや音楽フェスといった、それまでには無かった多様なイベントが催されるようになり、各種のイベントが行われる場としても同地区、同施設は広く知られる事となったのである。
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