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[Revolution Festival Special] Congratulatory Message from Foreign Dignitaries

Spirits were high this morning as the memorial services for Creil Village and the presidential speech commemorating the 108th anniversary of the revolution were well received by the citizens. We hope all of our readers will be able to enjoy the second half of the festivities with their loved ones.
Heads of state and diplomats from across Zemuria offered kind words of celebration on this memorable occasion. We'd like to share a few examples of their messages with you here. 'I would like to congratulate the Republic wholeheartedly for overcoming this terrible tragedy and holding this Revolution Festival without incident. The Republic and our Principality are longtime allies and, as we move together toward the future, with even more diverse economic and cultural interactions, I am confident we can overcome any difficulty we face while sharing equally in the bounty of our diverse cultures and growing wealth. Once again, on behalf of Grand Prince Salman, I pray for Aidios' eternal blessing on the Republic.' - Principality of Elsaim Royal Representative Crown Prince Sherid
'I would like to offer our heartfelt congratulations on this 108th anniversary of the birth of the Republic, as well as condolences for the victims of the brutal terrorist attack. While it is true our countries ahev had some unfortunate misunderstandings in the past, I truly believe we can build a new, forward-looking relationship and walk together toward our mutual future. The reason I believe this so strongly is, through the difficulties of the last few years I feel I have learned anew what love for this world is, and I beleive the Republic and Empire can share the pricelessness of this love together. Once more, I pray for love and many blessings for Calvard.' - First Prince of the Empire of Erebonia
'I would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations for this Revolution Festival. Remembering our own declaration of autonomy over eighty years ago, I can understand the pride the citizens of Calvard feel on this day, as they commemorate the revolution that earned them their rights and their Republic's status as a modern country. In many areas, such as those of social organization and technology, the Republic is the best model we have here in Crossbell. I look forward to stepping into a new era, arm-in-arm with Calvard.' - Crossbell Government Representative

[Special] The New Weapons Finally Revealed! Just What is this 'AF' on Center Stage?!

Following the president's speech in the morning, the Republican Army finally unveiled its newest weaponry. The sound of the motors, coupled with the awed voices rising from the crows at the sight of the refined, gallant silhouettes of the weapons, rang out as a powerful testament to the national pride of the citizenry and the dependable strength of the military. But, which of these new weaponry attracted the most attention? Many impressive presentations were held that stoked the pride of the citizens of a country known for its orbal automobiles, such as a new tank model which, despite being wheeled rather than treaded, can easily match up to the Empire's heavy tanks in both defense and firepower. However, the real star of the show appears to have been the Assault Frames (AF). Though at a glance they may resemble the Panzer Soldats of the Empire, their design philosophy appears to be completely different. While Panzer Soldats were developed to mimic human combat on a grand scale by using larger versions of normal weaponry for combat, the AFs were intended right from the moment of conception to connect with Xipha combat orbments. In terms of mobility, this means the pilof of an AF can rely on the immense calculating power of their Xipha to execute movements that are beyond the capabilities of a Panzer Soldat. Beyond this, complete use of the Xipha's capabilities will enable high-level information sharing between units and real-time coordination, leading some to believe it will revolutionize troop operations in the future.
What we do know is that the use of AFs will allow Republican troops to utilize high-level tactics the Empire's Panzer Soldats could never hope to achieve. While many details about the AFs have yet to be released to the public, what we can say is that from what we've already seen these are truly 'next generation' weapons that will completely change the face of war. Once the Republican Army begins to make full use of these new weapons, they are sure to become a revolutionary army of the future with unshakeable convictions and power.

[Culture] Esprit Cinema Bringing Back the Greats!

Here at Esprit Cinema, we invite you to take a look back on some of the greatest films of 1208 in limited revival showings! Enjoy the true spirit of the Revolution Festival with Gloria: Dawn of the Revolution, based on the true story of Sheena Dirke, mother of the revolution. Or join the throngs of viewers who flooded our cinema to catch Golden Blood, the most-watched film of the year! But this revival isn't just about the big names, as we'll also be showing plenty of hiddem gems throughout the year. Perhaps one of them will resonate in your heart even more than the popular hits. If one of these cinematic masterpieces slipped you by this year, who not stop by and catch it?

【記念祭特集】 諸外国からのお祝いのメッセージ
さて、この記念すべき日に際し、諸外国の首脳や外交部からも共和国への祝辞の言葉が送られている。ここでは、その一例を紹介させていただく事とする。「不幸な事件を乗り越え、無事に共和国が革命記念日を祝える 事を心から祝福する。我が公国と共和国は長年の盟友。今後 は経済・文化の双方でこれまで以上に多様な付き合い方が増 えて行くだろうが、共和国と共にあれば、我が国も多くの困 難を共に乗り越えながら、そうした多彩な文化や富を分ち合 っていけるものと確信している。改めて、サルマン公王に代 わり、共和国に翼の女神の祝福が永遠にあらん事をお祈り申 し上げる」
「民主化108周年への祝意と、残忍なテロの犠牲となった方 への弔意を心より申し上げる。さて、我が国は不幸にも過去 に共和国との間で不幸な行き違いも経験してきたが、今後は 共に未来志向の関係を構築し、共に歩めるものと私は心から 信じている。何故なら、私はこの数年間の困難の中で、世界 の愛の何たるかを改めて学び、そして共和国ともその価値を 共有していけると今一度確信しているからだ。改めて、カル バード共和国に愛と祝福を」
「革命記念日に心より祝意を申し上げます。我が自治州も、8 0余年前に獲得した自治権を思えば、カルバードの方々が革 命により勝ち取った権利と近代国家としての地位をどれほど 誇りに思っているかを身をもって感じる次第です。我が自治 州においては、社会制度や技術などの多くの面において、共 和国は一番の模範となってきました。今後も良きパートナー として、共に新時代を歩める事を期待いたします」
【特集】 遂に公開された新兵装。目玉のAFとは!?
また、ザイファへの完全対応により、機体間での高度な情報リンクやリアルタイムでの相互補完などが可能であると推測されており、部隊運用においても大きな変革が期待できそうだ。 いずれにせよ、帝国の機甲兵ではなし得なかった高度な戦術が、AFの運用にあたって想定されている事は確かだろう。 
【文化】 シネマ・エスプリ、名作を一斉リバイバル!
 当館シネマ・エスプリでは記念祭を祝し、七耀暦1208年に公開された映画作品の数々をリバイバル上映しております! やはり、革命記念日という事もあって革命の母シーナ・ディルクを題材とした『GLORIA~運命の五月革命~』が注目を浴び、同様に今年公開の映画で観客動員数が最多の作品『ゴールデンブラッド』もまた根強い人気を誇っています。 
