Who Wants to Be a Mirannaire? Play at Your Own Beryl () is a minigame found in Trails into Reverie. It is now hosted by Beryl who takes on the role of the host instead of Campanella in the previous iteration.
Name origin[]
In English, the title "Who Wants to Be a Mirannaire?" is a play on the famous United States game show Who Wants to Be a Millionare and the in-game currency called Mira. The literal translation from Japanese is 'Kiseki-De Pon!' In Japanese, the subtitle "軌跡マスターへの道" directly translates to "Path toward a Kiseki Master". The subtitle, 'Play at your Own Beryl' is wordplay on on the idiom 'at your own peril' and the name of the host.
Trails into Reverie[]
The game is a quiz show with a structured question and answer format, structured into four rounds. The rounds are one of four difficulty levels, Easy (やさしめ), Normal, Brutal and Maniac.
You have 120 seconds to answer 10 out of 15 questions correctly. Each incorrect answer will penalize 20 seconds from your remaining time.
# | Question | Answers | Comment |
1 | What is the last name of Trails of Cold Steel's protagonist, Rean? 『閃の軌跡』の主人公、リィンのファミリーネームは? |
Schwarzer シュバルツァー |
Schwarz | |||
Schweitzer | |||
Schvalter | |||
2 | What is the surname of Trails from Zero and Trails to Azure's protagonist, Lloyd? 『零/碧の軌跡』の主人公、ロイドのファミリーネームは? |
Bannings バニングス |
Burnings | |||
Bernies | |||
Bandings | |||
3 | Laura is the stunning successor to the Arseid school of swordsmanship. What is the name of her father from whom she learned it? 凛として華麗なるアルゼイド流後継者・ラウラ。彼女の父親の名前は? |
Victor ヴィクター |
Matteus | |||
Lorence | |||
Shion | |||
4 | Director Alisa Reinford certainly inherited her father's knack for technology, but just who is her father? オーバルギアの整備までこなす美人室長・アリサ。彼女の父親の名前は? |
Franz フランツ |
Teo | |||
Franky | |||
Gwyn | |||
5 | Estelle is a bracer who shines like the sun itself. What is the name of her father whom she takes after? まるで太陽のような存在の遊撃士・エステル。彼女の父親の名前は? |
Cassius カシウス |
Morgan | |||
Zechs | |||
Arios | |||
6 | Tita's talent lies in engineering--something that seems to run in the family. Which legend in the field is she related to? いつもひたむきで一生懸命なメカニック娘、ティータと血縁関係にあるのは? |
Professor A. Russell A・ラッセル博士 |
Professor G. Schmidt | |||
Professor L. Hamilton | |||
Professor C. Epstein | |||
7 | Juna isn't the only Crossbellan with bright-pink hair. Can you name her younger sister who has the same shade? ピンクの髪が印象的なクロスベルっ娘・ユウナ、彼女の妹の名前は? |
Nana ナナ |
Lina | |||
Lena | |||
Ken | |||
8 | Which pair isn't related by blood? 次の内、血の繋がりがないのは? |
Stark & Crow スターク&クロウ |
Wayne & Myka | |||
Kurt & Mueller | |||
Maya & Joseph | |||
9 | Which pair isn't dating? 次の内、恋人同士じゃないのは? |
Agate & Tita アガット&ティータ |
Kenneth & Annabelle | |||
Neithardt & Fiona | |||
Heathcliff & Mercedes | |||
10 | Sara is an A-rank bracer known as the Purple Lightning now, but she was once sparked the field as a jaeger. What is her old corps' name? 《紫電》の二つ名を持つA級遊撃士、サラがかつて所属していた猟兵団の名前は? |
Northern Jaegers 北の猟兵 |
Zephyr | |||
Red Constellation | |||
Arngarmr | |||
11 | Fie learned to zip through the battlefield while wielding her twin gunswords as a jaeger. What is the name of the corps she was part of? 双銃剣を軽やかに操る正遊撃士、フィーがかつて所属していた猟兵団の名前は? |
Zephyr 西風の旅団 |
Red Constellation | |||
Northern Jaegers | |||
Nidhoggr | |||
12 | With great strength comes great renown. What title follows Viscount Arseid as one of the strongest swordsman to ever grace the Empire? 帝国最強の剣士の一人、アルゼイド子爵の二つ名は? |
Radiant Blademaster 光の剣匠 |
Radiant Divine Blade | |||
Hermit Swordmaster | |||
Bladelord of Light | |||
13 | What does Rufus go by as the primary member of the Ironbloods? 《鉄血の子供たち》の筆頭、ルーファスの二つ名は? |
Jade Rook 翡翠の城将 |
Crimson Rook | |||
Azure Rook | |||
Amber Rook | |||
14 | The ever-so clever Lechter of the Intelligence Division goes by what title? 軽妙なる情報局特務少佐、レクターの二つ名は? |
Scarecrow スケアクロウ |
Snarecrow | |||
Sparecrow | |||
Skullcrow | |||
15 | Countess Le Guin's strength has surpassed even that of the Lance Maiden's. What do people call her? かつての《槍の聖女》の実力さえも超えた猛者、 オーレリアの二つ名は? |
Golden Rakshasa 黄金の羅刹 |
Golden Carnage | |||
Golden Devil | |||
Golden Demoness | |||
16 | Crown Prince Cedric recently joined the Society of Ouroboros after losing his Awakener status. Which Divine Knight did he pilot? 結社入りを果たした帝国の皇太子・セドリック。彼が起動者として乗っていた騎神は? |
Testa-Rossa テスタ=ロッサ |
Reiter-Rossa | |||
Barba-Rossa | |||
Monte-Rossa | |||
17 | KeA is an innocent soul beloved by all. How do people refer to her? 誰からも愛される天真爛漫な少女・キーア。彼女は何の御子と呼ばれていた? |
Zero Child 零の御子 |
Azure Child | |||
Sky Child | |||
Steel Child | |||
18 | Elise's grace as Student Council president of St. Astraia Girls' School is just as apparent on the battlefield. What weapon does she wield? 艶やかな黒髪が眩しいアストライア女学院会長、エリゼの武器は? |
Rapier レイピア |
Short Sword | |||
Orbal Staff | |||
Orbal Bow | |||
19 | Joshua's proficiency extends beyond bracer work with his girlfriend, Estelle. What instrument does he play? エステルのことを傍で支え続ける遊撃士、ヨシュアが得意とする楽器は? |
Harmonica ハーモニカ |
Ocarina | |||
Lute | |||
Castanet | |||
20 | Vita left the Hexen Clan's village and became an Anguis of Ouroboros, but she wasn't alone. What is the name of her familiar?魔女の里を出奔して結社の使徒となった人物、クロチルダの使い魔は? | Grianos グリアノス |
Griselda | |||
Grisaille | |||
Glorious | |||
21 | Nadia has adored Swin since their days in the organization, but she also adores her stuffed animal. Which animal does she carry around?スウィンと共に“組織”に追われる少女、ナーディアが大事にしているのは何のヌイグルミ? | Bear クマ |
Crocodile | |||
Dog | |||
Kitty | |||
22 | Which of these is located in Erebonia? 次の内、帝国にある施設はどれ? |
Dreknor Fortress ドレックノール要塞 |
Leiston Fortress | |||
Wolf Fort | |||
Grimsel Fortress | |||
23 | Where is the Crossbell Police Department based? 次の内、クロスベル警察がある場所は? |
Administrative District 行政区 |
Central Square | |||
East Street | |||
West Street | |||
24 | Which of these is located in Crossbell? 次の内、クロスベルにある地名はどれ? |
Armorica アルモリカ |
Alster | |||
Altair | |||
Ardent | |||
25 | Where is the branch campus for Thors Military Academy located? トールズ第II分校がある場所は? |
Leeves リーヴス |
Trista | |||
Grenville | |||
Milsante | |||
26 | What is the crest of Thors Military Academy? トールズ士官学校の紋章といえば? |
Crest of the Horned Lion 有角の獅子紋 |
Crest of the Winged Lion | |||
Crest of the Scaled Lion | |||
Crest of the Shelled Lion | |||
27 | Which game did the Brave Order mechanic make its debut? 戦闘システム『ブレイブオーダー』が導入されたのはどの作品から? |
Trails of Cold Steel III 閃の軌跡III |
Trails of Cold Steel | |||
Trails of Cold Steel II | |||
Trails of Cold Steel IV | |||
28 | What is the name of Arc en Ciel's performance first mentioned in Trails of Cold Steel IV?『閃の軌跡IV』および本作でも披露された、アルカンシェルの復活を象徴する演目の名前は? | The Dream of a Million Nights 幾千万の夜を超えて |
The Dream of Ten Million Nights | |||
The Dream of Many Million Nights | |||
The Dream of 100 Million Nights |