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Yumé (ユメ) is a character introduced in Trails through Daybreak.



Yumé is a small girl with long rose pink hair which flows down her back and violet eyes. She wears a white blouse and a sea-green apron dress with an orange smiley-face button and two colourful embroidered stars. She wears yellow socks and brown flat shoes, and a blue ruffled headband.


Yumé is the energetic and pure-hearted daughter of Paulette. She helps around in the Monmarte bistro as its poster girl, and is loved by customers and Van Arkride alike. Yumé doesn't know who her father is nor has Paulette talked to her about such complex matters, but she enjoys her life with her Monmarte family.[1]


Yumé is the only child of Paulette, and lives with her and her grandfather, Victor in the Montmart Bistro.

Olivert Reise Arnor - SD (Ao)
Hello there, beautiful. May I have a moment of your time?
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It is revealed later in the game that Yumé's father is renowned Z1 racer Maxim Lugan, whom Paulette refused to allow to raise Yumé due to his unfaithfulness.

There we go, the end of spoilers. Thank you for your time!

Trails through Daybreak[]

Yumé is always present in the Montmart Bistro and is the heart and joy of its owner and her mother, as delights many of the diners and guests. She helps out with the cleaning and the shopping, but also attends Sunday School. She greets Van Arkride enthusiastically every morning and bombards him with questions. She warmly welcomes all of the new members of the Arkride Solutions Office, but is not a fan of Aaron Wei for making advances on her mother. She aspires to grow up to be like her mother, but also like Agnès Claudel.

Van encounters Yumé on a shopping trip, an later teachers her to play chess so she can bond with Victor.

Yumé accompanies Van to Longlai for a break as a favour to Paulette, who wishes to speak with her father about Maxim. She enjoys all of the attractions and food in the town and convinces Judith Lanster to dine with the party. She also gains a liking for Aaron after witnessing him cook. During the night, Yumé goes missing, having been possessed by Mare who takes her body into the Mountains. The party pursue her but Mare refuses to relinquish the body until she is apprehended by Shizuna Rem Misurugi. The body is given back and Yumé safely recovered.

In the run up to Revolution Day, Yumé attends the party at the bistro. She finds Maxim funny, still unaware that he is her father and observes Bergard Zeman and her grandfather playing chess. Van and Agnes take Yumé on a flight around Edith on the Haurvatat. Maxim takes both her and Paulette to see the sights on Revolution Day but are threatened when Melchior unleashes Pandemonium. Elaine Auclair saves the group but they are separated and Yumé is imprisoned in a demon sphere with Quatre Salision until Van rescues them. She makes Van promise to come back from Genesis Tower.


Trails through Daybreak[]

Trails through Daybreak II[]



  1. Romano, Sal (30 July 2021). "The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki details 12 more sub characters". Gematsu. Archived from the original on 31 July 2021.